This time we had 2 separate parties, which was exhausting and led me to the point of celebrating both at the same time. As long as that is ok with them that is how it will stay.
Rui's second birthday was pretty simple. We celebrated the Number 2.
Since his birthday is in Oct. I had the "brilliant" idea of using pumpkins for the loot at the end of the party. But nothing is ever simple with me so I wanted to clean them out and paint them. I used just average acrylic paint for the pumpkins in colors to coordinate with the balloons I was using.
They were super cute but I will admit a little work.
The cupcakes were super easy with a number 2 cookie on top. Chocolate and white cupcakes with butter cream frosting. Yum.
He is just the cutest thing and I love him like crazy.
Some good food and good friends was all his party was about. That and the fact that he turned 2 of course.
But one week later.........
Nuno turned 6. So we had an art party. He is in love with art and drawing so I wanted this party to be fun. I sent out an invitation (which reminds me, I am going to do a separate post with all of the invitations that go with these parties, they are every bit as important) that said Dress for Mess and as you will see in some of these photos there was a reason.
Nuno's cake was a giant artists paint pallet and loot bags were white lunch bags with a splash of paint. (Thanks again Kat!)
Nuno doesn't like icing and I'm obsessed with fondant so we make a great team.
For the tablecloth I took a plain white paper cloth and spattered paint all over, Jackson Pollock style. I also hung prints of famous artwork from my kitchen lighting.
I found some really great ideas on line for art activities and here are a few I modified a bit.
I bought enough 11x14 canvases for each child (cheap at Michael's) and put their names on the back. I then formed them into a giant sized canvas. I mixed some powdered poster paint into squeeze bottles in several colors. The powdered paints created such an amazing vibrant finish, I LOVED them.
Each child was invited throughout the party to come and add some paint to the giant canvas. Once it was dry I pulled it apart and each child took a piece of art home. It was really great. So great in fact that this Thanksgiving I did the same thing for my family so that we could remember this Thanksgiving in NC.
We have a zip line in our yard so I hung a plain white sheet from the line and had spray bottles with watered down paint so that they could create some "graffiti" in the yard as well.
When I said dress for mess I meant it........
They were in heaven!
And last but not least , blowing out the candles, make a wish!